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About Us


Radijojo is a non-profit and educational children's media network based in Berlin.

Radijojo provides children around the world with a safe space to listen, learn and laugh as well as the opportunity to discover new musical worlds and observe more about their peers in other countries. Children discover their exploratory spirit and produce radio programs on the environment, natural science, health, living environment, music and culture.

Radijojo encourages and supports children to create and present their own radio projects in order to improve their faculty of speech along with media and intercultural skills in a playful way.

Radijojo is independent, free of advertising and not beholden to any religion, denomination or political party. The focus is not on commercial interests, but on the media-pedagogical approach. That's why Radijojo is and will remain ad-free!

Consequently it is stated in the charter of Radijojo gGmbH:

The aim of this organization is to promote education and training, international understanding, development cooperation and youth welfare. 

The company's objective is pursued by operating an ad-free, non-profit radio station and other media formats and configurations.
This takes place in active cooperation with international and national non-profit educational, cultural, environmental, peace and children's organizations, standing conferences of the ministers of education and cultural affairs, state media authorities, educational institutions, foundations, sports and environmental associations, parent and student associations, science organizations, the United Nations, the European Union, the federal government, states and municipalities and other institutions and organizations. 

Radijojo's target groups are children between the ages of 3 and 13 and adults from their periphery. 

The purpose is achieved in particular through:

  1. Projects for international understanding in which children interact with children from distant countries, foreign cultures, different living and family surroundings by for instance compiling projects together. Along the way they get to discover at an early stage the value of foreign languages, cultures and ways of communicating at an early stage.
  2. Projects to promote development cooperation through programs and contributions by and for children and media exchange between children around the world on topics such as children's rights and gender roles, which contribute to the development of a diverse civil society in developing countries.
  3. Media-based global learning, international cultural exchange of children in Germany, Europe and all over the world via and with media as well as the use of participatory children's media as instruments of social change and the commitment to UN children's rights. This learning and its practice of media-based international cooperation, participation and education by children themselves is the focus of the non-profit company.
  4. Projects to develop media-based educational and participation structures for socially marginalized children and children in disadvantaged regions of the world. This includes the establishment of media education centers and the implementation of projects through courses that promote language skills together with media and intercultural competence of children in those countries.
  5. Informative broadcasts on topics such as children's rights, health, nature, art and culture, music, religion, ethnic characteristics, politics, dialogue between generations, peaceful conflict management, violence and drug prevention, vocational training and life planning.
  6. Broadcasts with an initiative appeal on topics such as sport, leisure activities, nature conservation and natural science.
  7. Critical examination of daily politics through child-friendly preparation of current events and also historical backgrounds.
  8. Strengthening democratic awareness, democratic decision-making along with intercultural tolerance via broadcast formats with political and cultural education.
  9. Interactive guidance programs and online content with experts on topics relating to family and school problems, children's rights, media, communicational and social skills.
  10. Design of broadcasts and language or handicraft competitions with children on all of the above topics, whereby the design can be done indirectly by the children, through media content developed by children or directly through moderation on the part of the children. Children of different ethnic origins, religious affiliations, social environments and different nationalities are encouraged to work together, to portray themselves, to deal with each other and to collaborate.
  11. Early musical education by broadcasting diverse music formats from all regions of the world, all epochs and cultures including elements of learning, movement and interaction.


How is Radijojo's work being financed?

Our projects are financed by public funds, donations and support from foundations. Radijojo is not institutionally funded.

Radijojo has been registered as a non-profit company since December 2003. This entitles us to issue legitimate donation receipts.

To continue and further the media educational work of the Radijojo World Children's Media Network we do rely on donations.
Spendenkonto: IBAN:  DE57 1002 0500 0003 3369 01, BIC: BFSWDE33BER


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