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Our children's jury decided - here are the winners of Radijojo Drawing Competition on SDGs.


Radijojo has been organizing international drawing competitions for already five years. The 2019 topics were the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, among them:

• end poverty in all its forms everywhere,
• ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all,
• achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,
• take urgent action to combat climate change,
• conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
• protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
• and strong global partnerships and cooperation to reach the goals by 2030.

Children between 10 and 15 years from India, Egypt, Senegal and Germany sent us their contributions.

Students of Papageno primary school in Berlin selected the best pictures. Important criterions considered by the jury in taking its decisions were not only the beauty of the drawing, but also how well the global goals were presented.

Here are the winners of all age categories:

10 to 11 years

1st place: Alaska from Berlin - Goal 17: Working together to implement the goals

2nd place: Rital from Kairo (Egypt) - Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

3rd place: Hamza from Kairo (Egypt) - Goal 15: Life on land


12 to 13 years

1st place: Judy from Kairo (Egypt) - Goal 14: Life under water

2nd place: Razan from Kairo (Egypt) - Goal 14: Life under water

3rd place: Rohit from Kolkata (India) - Goal 15: Life on land


14 to 15 years

1st place: Cohen from Saint-Louis (Senegal) - Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

2nd place: Assane from Saint-Louis (Senegal) - Goal 5: Gender equality

3rd palce: Olivier from Saint-Louis (Senegal) - Goal 5: Gender equality

Many thanks to all children and teenager who sent us their ideas. And of course -  congratulations to all winners! The best three pictures of all age categories can be seen in  Olof Palme Youth Center in Berlin until mid-February. Feel free to come by!




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