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A journey through the whole of Africa

We are now taking you on a fantastic journey through the whole of Africa.

* we'll be making radio with school kids in Senegal and Ghana

* we will be meeting cool people from Mauritius, Burkino Faso and Senegal

* and we'll be making music with you: with Nic from Ghana, Bernard from the Congo and Sidikie from Sierre Leone!

We will be looking at the lives of children and the struggle for peace and freedom and a normal life in Africa - a process that is often more colourful and engaging than it is normally shown to be on television.

The project was developed in Radijojo's African Workshop, the primary school: "Am Insulaner" in Berlin, Germany, and with many other partners. The whole project has been supported by the Nord-Sud-Brücken (North-South-Bridges) Trust and by the Berlin Senate (Regional Office for  Development).

This program is a present for all the children of Africa, Europe and the world.

We hope you like it!

fotos und audios unter: Wir nehmen Euch jetzt mit auf eine tolle Reise durch ganz Afrika

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