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Interview mit Slavenka Draculic

Interview with the popular Croat writer and journalist Slavenka Draculic

Slavenka Draculic is a popular writer and journalist in Europe. She was born and raised in Croatia and now divides her time between Sweden, Vienna and her home country. Slavenka Draculic is most famous for her books concerning life in Croatia after the civil war in the early 90s.

In December this year, Slavenka was invited to attend the event 'Talks about Europe 2010' organized by the Allianz Cultural Foundation in the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. Along with other writers and journalists from Hungary and Poland, Slavenka talked about the social and political challenges facing Croatia and its neighboring countries today.

Jasmina Mossorovic is a Berlin student with parents from Bosnia. Jasmina was born in Germany and lives between two cultures, the Bosnian and the German one. Jasmina interviewed Slavenka Draculic for you and asked her, among other questions, how young people from across Europe can live together in freedom despite cultural and religious differences.

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Moderation Jasmina Mossorovic
Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke

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