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Le futur du Maroc02/19/2013

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We help setting the Agenda for UNESCO World Youth Conference


You often hear “ah, nobody listens to us, nobody cares…” But is this actually true? UNESCO holds an annual Youth Conference in their headquarters in Paris, France. Via social media, we received a call to all young people in the world:

We are invited to help setting the Agenda for the conference! Together with Radijojo, we sat down immediately: What shall the young global delicates discuss? What are the most pressing issues to us – and to all kids in the world? Here are our thoughts that we shared with UNESCO headquarters.

Please send your feedback, comments, ideas!!!

The UNESCO World Youth Conference shall discuss:

  • corruption
  • the homeless kids
  • failling in school
  • drugs
  • solidarity
  • the chlidrens rights
  • the way people behave to each others
  • the diversity in religions
  • the drop out of school
  • the modern technology
  • what is good for the childrens
  • schooling
  • respect for the others



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