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'Thank you Radijojo, our association with you and Radijojo has elevated our centre to global standards' Anil Emage, AFRC India and Peace Gong Magazine about the common projects with Radijojo

Melissa Fleming, spokesperson of UNHCR in a personal mail to Radijojo kids on our Malawi project:

Sehr geehrter Kinder Team, Danke dass ihr die Kinder in Malawi Flüchtlingslager Dzaleka helfen! Wir tuen auch unser bestes. Here ein Auszug auf English ueber unsere Plaene, die Fluechtlinge dort weiter zu unterstuetzen: Malawi hosts some 12,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mostly from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda, of which some 10,000 live in Dzaleka refugee camp. Thousands of people also pass through the country in mixed migratory flows from the Horn of Africa. In 2010, UNHCR will continue to help the Government build its RSD capacity, advocate for the lifting of reservations to the 1951 Refugee Convention, and assist the Government to review the present Refugee Act, in order to increase refugees' chances for local integration. The programme focus for 2010 and 2011 will be on the repatriation of people from Burundi and Rwanda and resettlement in third countries for vulnerable refugees. There are also plans for a pilot project for the repatriation of rejected asylum-seekers, who presently have few options following the final rejection of their claims. Es ist sehr wichtig dass Schulen wie Ihre solche Kinder unterstuetzen. Wir machen alles was wir koennen, haben aber oft nicht die moeglichkeit alle wuensche und rechte zu erfuellen.
Viele Liebe Gruesse, Melissa Fleming Head, Communications Service/ Spokesperson for the High Commissioner


Monica Lieschke, Director of Jane Goodall Institut Germany on our "Roots & Shoots" Song with Wedding primary school: "Wow, what a great song! Funky and rockin' - we had so much fun listening to it!


This was really the best project ever!
Robin (11), student of Berlin Kids International School and participant of a 'We discover the world' workshop

I am very grateful for making the wildest dreams of those kids possible.Some have never talked to other kids beyond the village they came from not to say thousands of miles away. My parents and the head teacher in the school called today to express their sincere gratitude and thanks to the whole team of Radijojo, Mrs Bach and her children. You guys were really wonderful!!! How children were brought together, is still a surprise to me. Kenny Sobiyi about the telephone-Interview between Kids from Berlin and children of the Victory Primary School in Obada Oko, Nigeria.
Kenny was born in Obada Oko, currently he lives in South Africa. He and his family helped to organise the Berlin-Nigerian children's radio-bridge.

Congratulations to your great interview! I liked it very much!
C. Harsdorf (GTZ) about the interview on children's rights with Federal Minister of Justice Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger by Anna Lindh Primary School students

Expression of Gratitude for the opportunity to share about my Country (Uganda) with the Children of Wedding Grundschule on 21.09.2010.

Dear Organizers of Radio Jojo, I write to appreciate the opportunity you offered me to talk to the pupils about children, environment and general life conditions of children in my country. In this ever closer global village, there is no better education a nation can offer its children than empowering its future citizens with interpersonal relation skills, cultural understanding and friendship building. These virtues form the basis of mutual partnership and offers future leverage for a country in harnessing business, investment opportunities and peace development. As a youth who grew up in an environment, in which children were not allowed to look adults in the eyes, ask questions or share their thoughts. I recommend the work Radiojojo is doing. This initiative does not only help children to be more self-confident and informed about their World but it also acts as a platform for career inspiration. I enjoyed answering questions about my country and family, it gave me so much joy seeing children and adults who came in the workshop without any knowledge about Uganda, going back home with some understanding about Uganda. I look forward to cooperating with Radiojojo in any possible areas, most especially; linking Germany children with their fellows in Uganda,facilitate the smooth exchange of information between our two countries on issues about children rights, health, environment, education and culture. Asante sana (Dankeschön)

Stephen Bwete Member Uganda Community in Berlin


Mail from Rainbow House of Hope Uganda, after internet conference session: .....we approud you for this oppotunity every time we do it the children increase their esteem and interest in sharing their experience. we call upon more conferences to help them to raise their voice.

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