Our Radijojo reporters Malak, Selina, Joey, Hala, Sidra, Mohammad and Fatime from the Haus der Jugend are conducting an interesting interview with Ramona Reiser from the Linkspartei today. She is the city councilor for youth, family and citizen services in the Berlin Mitte district office.
Immediately we notice that Ms. Reiser shows up to our appointment in a very laid back and sportive way with a light blue bicycle helmet. So she seems completely normal, and not at all as "out of touch" as some politicians on television. That makes her extremely likeable right from the start.
Naturally we would like to know first of all what a city councilwoman like her actually does. What exactly are her responsibilities? And what does she have to do all day long? A city councilwoman works in administration, i.e. she takes care of the implementation of the laws and offers the citizens various services, she explains to us. Among other things this includes that you can apply for passports at the citizen centre and get married in the registry office.
A city councilwoman works in administration, i.e. she takes care of the implementation of the laws and offers the citizens various services, she explains to us. Among other things this includes that you can apply for passports at the citizen centre and get married in the registry office.
And what exactly does she do for us children?
A lot, we learn. For example one of their most important tasks is to provide enough day-care places. She takes care of the civil works for the construction of new day-care centers and youth leisure facilities, not to mention at a later stage that they are equipped as well as possible. Additionally she regularly takes part in budget negotiations. There she tries to "grab" enough money for her children and youth department, as she jokingly puts it to us.
So she also takes care of youth leisure facilities? Our „Haus der Jugend“ immediately comes to mind. Is she responsible for that? Lo and behold, it is her! We are very happy about that, and Ms. Reiser also assures us that she is particularly looking forward to the reopening, which should finally take place next year.
Finally, we would like to know whether we as children can make suggestions directly. After all, it is about us and our concerns.
That is very important, Ms. Reiser replies. Because all city councils depend on getting tips. And not only from us children, but also from the adults. They need feedback so they know what is required.
That's why Ms. Reiser is always very pleased when someone contacts her and tells her what he or she wants. And maybe she will even set up a consultation hour especially for us children, where we can come to her and talk to her personally about our wishes and problems.
We are very happy about that and when the time comes, we will definitely participate in it before long.
Thank you, Ms. Reiser, for your commitment and the amiable conversation. We are looking forward to continuing our well established collaboration with you!